Capture Mobile Traffic of your Phone using Charles proxy

♦ Open

♦ Download the Charles browser Linux/ windows package according to your system operating system.

♦ After downloading, extract the zip file.

♦ Open Terminal, go to Charles folder location

♦ And change directory to bin folder

♦ Now execute the following command for open Charles browser

♦ Sudo bash ./charles

♦ Now Charles browser successfully opened on your computer.

♦ Now go to setting tab and click on the connected wifi icon,

♦ Then click on advanced options and add your system IP and port. You can find your port under proxy --> proxy settings.

♦ Click on connect button and allow your system to capture your device traffic.

♦ Now, you can capture all your HTTP traffic on Charles.

Note:- You can use Wireshark for the same purpose but in Wireshark, you have to add your manual IP in Wireshark search tab by using ip.addr ==your phone manual IP.
